20 Apr

Is your Malwarebytes not open? This antivirus is a one-step solution to every kind of security problem. A lot of users may face the same issues. 

If yes, then read this article up to last without any point. Before going through any troubleshooting procedure, reboot your device and try to fix the problem with Malwarebytes. 

Follow the below points for detailed steps to fix Malwarebytes Antivirus Not Working:

Firstly, if you face issues with Malwarebytes, then uninstall the app and then again reinstall the app with an updated version. 

Try to use Malwarebytes in a safe mode. 

Because safe mode will help Malwarebytes to function easily.

Try to run the Malwarebytes Chameleon website which helps antivirus open and update automatically.

Moreover, you can also rename the Malwarebytes to fix the issues. 

Add to this, you can also check the internet connection for the proper running of Malwarebytes antivirus. 

Hopefully, all the information will help you to fix Malwarebytes Antivirus not working

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